Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mustache Wednesday
Labels: lifestyle, photos, video
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Cycle Jerk
1:29 PM
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Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday Commuting

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Cycle Jerk
6:01 PM
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Old Timey Friday

This shop was located at 522 10th St. N.W. Washington, DC. The building is gone and is a now defunct Waffle Shop which looks to be considerably shorter and much more art deco. It was a few doors up from Fords Theater (where Lincoln was shot), which makes me think, could John Wilkes Booth have ridden a bike with a broken ankle?
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Labels: bike
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
5:50 PM
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Product Review: The Incredibell
I was happy to learn that because of it's size I had more placement options I hadn't considered in the past. After some experimentation I found the perfect place for the bell. Right above my hand position when in the drops. This way the bell was out of the way while easily accessible from most hand positions. Also, if I just used my index finger to break I could ring the bell with my middle finger at the same time. It took a little practice but is now second nature.

Buy it if you want a relatively loud bell without compromising space.
Don't buy it if you want the big brass retro look.
Labels: bike, commuting, reviews
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
2:34 PM
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
That New Pavement Feel
I had the day off yesterday so I didn't notice until this morning's commute that the county had resurfaced Sligo Creek Parkway. Ahh there is nothing like that new pavement feel.
There are 3 elements that comprise what a ride feels like: the environment, your body, and your bike. Any time you remove most of the friction from the environment you are left with more bandwidth to experience the other elements. I equate it to the theory of a blind person having an increased awareness of their other senses. As long as your bike is behaving the other senses are usually pretty darn good.
Road vibration isn't something I'm really conscience of until someone takes it away. Now all of the sudden I'm more aware of the smell of the autumn, the wind through my mustache, and how comfy my handlebars are. Not that I wasn't before, it's just that I have become slightly more aware, and it's this awareness that can quickly lead to gratitude.
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Cycle Jerk
7:26 PM
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Then You Get De Power: 14 Months Of Batteries
Knowing I had all new reasons for battery use I decided I would collect all the used batteries and at some point find a place that recycles them. This would allow me an accurate idea of how many batteries a newborn would use in a little over a years time. Also, I wouldn't be slowly adding them to my local land fill.

Some of these batteries were used for flashlights and cycling computers but the majority were used for baby stuff.
So in that time we have used:
7 - D batteries
34 - C batteries
26 - AA batteries
30 - AAA batteries
2 - N batteries (for bike lights)
With children, most of the things you can do to curb their environmental impact seem small on their own, but a bunch of small things will hopefully add up. Looking at the big picture, the most beneficial thing to come out of these small steps will be to create positive examples for my daughter.
Labels: green, household, lifestyle, PSA
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
3:04 PM
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Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Beer Review: Anchor Porter

Bottom line: Highly Recommended.
Don't buy it if you don't like porter.
Labels: beer, food, lifestyle, reviews
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Cycle Jerk
2:50 PM
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Redneck And His Balls
I came upon the horror of this sight yesterday and it shook me to the core. Somewhere out there, a redneck... who may not even know it yet, has lost his identity, his reason to live, his truck's giant plastic genitalia. Scoff if you will people, but this is no laughing matter. For what is a big stupid redneck without a giant nasty looking ball sack hanging from under his bumper for all to behold.
Now there goes a real man... who loves balls.
Labels: grievances, lifestyle
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
7:46 PM
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday Product Review: Clubman Mustache Wax

Buy it if you have a flavor savor or are an old Russian woman.
Don't buy it neither of the above apply to you.
Labels: lifestyle, reviews, tweed
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
2:43 PM
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday Video: Thoughts On My Bike
Labels: bike, commuting, lifestyle, video
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
4:54 PM
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