Thursday, December 17, 2009
Bike Commuting Of Yore
Labels: bike, commuting, video
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
2:35 PM
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The BFF Review: Rise Of The Nesmith Hipster
People work extremely hard at advocating for cyclists, getting bike lanes approved, changing laws and gaining acceptance, and when people see butt holes like these flying within inches of an old lady in the cross walk it nullifies the progress made.
Ok, rant almost over...
As I stewed in my seat, I hoped the next film would wash away some of this anger, I was wrong. The final film of the evening was "ANIMA D'ACCIAIO (SOUL OF STEEL)", A Portrait of the legendary Italian frame builder Giovanni Pelizzoli aka "Ciocc". This would have been a great cinematic experience had the hosts been paying any attention and realized that the top and bottom of all the films were cropped off. This was a problem for those who wanted to read the subtitles which were half on the screen and half off. So I stared at the nice Italian people imagining how interesting their insights were and how enjoyable their dialog would be to read.
Overlooking a rather careless film choice and a technical blunder the BFF was pretty cool and I will probably give it another chance if it comes back to DC.
Now to the cultural phenomenon of the evening: The Nesmith.
It wasn't a shock to see the hipsters out in droves at this event. The shock came when I saw several hipsters wearing heavy knit hats with the little pom pom on top, (aka "the Nesmith") made popular by The Monkeys' guitarist, Mike Nesmith .

Making the Nesmith Hipster look complete is the earth tone "well worn" flannel shirt seen above.

Labels: bike, events, grievances, photos, winter
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
4:41 PM
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My New BFF
I just got tickets to the DC Bicycle Film Fest and I am pretty pumped. As anyone who lives here knows the metro area (and the east coast for that matter) is pretty dry when it comes to main stream bike related happenings. Slowly, event promoters are warming to the DC area with the events like NAHBS coming to Richmond in February and smaller events like the BFF. Velocultre seems to be blossoming in DC and that's a good thing for everyone. As cyclists, we need to support these events when they show up, encouraging veloculture in our fair city. Now if we could only get the Tour de Fat to show up we'd really be legit.
Labels: art, bike, events, lifestyle, video
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
3:08 PM
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Monday, November 30, 2009
The Fattening Has Begun
Letting children know that they can't be trusted with even the most basic of human interactions is a disturbing and dangerous trend that if goes unchecked may eventually lead to rampant douchebaggery and someone like this running the country...

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Cycle Jerk
3:07 PM
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Vicarious Monday

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Cycle Jerk
3:06 PM
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Friday, November 20, 2009
Tektro Oryx Vs. Avid Shorties: A No Brainer

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Cycle Jerk
5:12 PM
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Spandex Vs. Wool: This Is Gonna Get Crazy
There is only one proper way to scientifically prove which material is more suited for cyclists, and that's to throw a spandex clad cyclist and a sheep into the Cycle Jerk Particle Accelerator and smash them into each other at mind bending speeds. I know I know, this might create a spandex/wool (Spoondex™) super nova that will destroy the planet in a violent moisture wicking flash of textiles, but I've got to get this settled once and for all.

Labels: Jerkyness, reviews, winter
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
2:56 PM
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Washington, DC Got Tweeded But Good

Daniel sent me his flicker set this morning.
Labels: holiday, lifestyle, photos, tweed
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
1:17 AM
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Friday, November 13, 2009
Sweet Irony

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Cycle Jerk
3:27 PM
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Washington DC Tweed Ride Route
Labels: holiday, PSA, tweed, wildlife
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
4:16 PM
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tail Light Back Pack Hack
Labels: commuting, DIY, products
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Cycle Jerk
2:22 PM
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Friday, November 6, 2009
I Feel The Need, The Need For Tweed!
A Washington, DC tweed ride emerges! You may remember my post from late September, whining that other cities were having all the fun and DC was in desperate need of tweed. It looks like my whining has payed off. Now I don't think that the ride is a direct result of my post but I'll just pretend it may have helped things along.
Here is the info from Dandies and Quaintrelles
Washington D.C.'s first ever tweed ride is set to begin on November 15, 2009. Our reason is pleasure and style. Our cause is Arts for the Aging, Inc. (AFTA).
Some of you have been waiting for a tweed ride in D.C. Others are confused and uncertain of it's point. We'll let points be made by politicians. Style is our concern. Amusement is our desire. We saw great style and imagined considerable amusement in the images of tweed rides in other major cities. Use your google skills and see what fun has been had in London, Chicago, San Fransisco and Boston.
We'll begin our ride at 11:00 am on 8th and H Street N.E. behind the great bank. There's an appropriately appointed photo studio that has been preparing to capture respectable images of our fashionable participants.
We'll end our ride on 14th and U where Marvin will provide us with nourishment, libations and fine soul. Non riders are welcome to join us in the festivities. If you need any more details on why you should spend a fall Sunday with us in your finest tweeds, you're making too much of a fuss of things.
Leave the fussiness to us and avoid it by appearing on vintage bikes, vintage inspired bikes, fixed geared machines and dapper attire. Leave the fleece, lycra and rugged outer shells at home. This ride is for the dandy!
Don't have a bike, Don't worry! Join us for the afterparty at Marvin. There will be raffles, giveaways, specialty drinks offered by our sponsor Plymouth Gin, and wall to wall dandies dancing to the finest britpop and soul this side of the Atlantic!
Return to this invite frequently for more surprising details.
View the lovely photos below for our inspiration!
So there you are chaps. Save the date and some festive spirit.
Labels: bike, commuting, holiday, lifestyle, PSA, tweed
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
1:13 AM
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Monday, November 2, 2009
LBS Review: Silver Cycles In Silver Spring
So the other week I was on my way home in a pretty good downpour. When crossing over Georgia Ave on Seminary when I heard that sound we all know and love.... PSHSHSHSH!!!!!
View Larger Map
Labels: bike, commuting, lifestyle
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
8:05 PM
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mustache Wednesday
Labels: lifestyle, photos, video
Posted by
Cycle Jerk
1:29 PM
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Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday Commuting

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Cycle Jerk
6:01 PM
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