I must apologize for not posting much this month. I took a vacation from work and computing for 4 weeks to help my wife around the house, be a dad, and generally get stuff done. For the most part I was successful. I was able to babysit so my wife could get more tutoring in, I did get some general stuff done, and I kicked ass at fathering.
There were some shortcomings though, I had an idea that I would do one errand a day on my bike to keep things in perspective. This didn't happen. I rode a total of 4 times in 4 weeks which is completely unacceptable. The first two rides were indeed to run some errands, the third was a ride with my daughter in the iBert to take advantage of the last warm day of the year, and the last one was on the trainer in my basement just to convince myself that I was still a cyclist.

So with some goals met and some not I am back to work, back to the routine, and back to blogging.
The trail is icy today and I suspect it's going to stay that way for a while. Not the best conditions for the Continental Contacts on the LHT (yeah you know me).
Monday, I wish I could quit you...
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