Friday, February 4, 2011

Capital Crescent Trail Conditions And CLIF Bar Love

If you commuters out there are wondering how the Capital Crescent is doing and if it's ok to ride again; here are today's conditions.

The Montgomery County Parks Department needs to invest in a zamboni. The trail is still mostly covered in very hard bumpy ice. The ice tires help a lot on the LHT but dammit I wish they were fatter. I'm tempted to ride my mountain bike to cushion the ride.

Hope this helps.

I got a care package yesterday from Lisa over at Clif Bar. I'm trying not to be such a whore but I love the crap out of their bars and am looking forward to trying out all the other crap they make.

Feel free to share your experiences with anything pictured above.

Friday, you magnificent bastard...


  1. I like Clif bars as well - my favourites are the Peanut flavour. I couldn't stop eating them last time I cycled down to Spain. I almost lived on them.

  2. I regulary Eat a clif bar and coffee as my breakfast.

  3. Whoa - this is scary even to watch! I keep waiting for you to start sliding and the camera perspective to whip up skyward.

    I could go for some of those Clif bars as well...

  4. I rode the CCT today
    it was a shock that it is still such a mess

    I was on non-knobby skinny road tires
    it was a JOKE!

  5. Just this morning I was thinking to myself, "50 degree high? Time to start thinking about biking." Guess I will wait a little longer...this southern girl still hasn't learned to hack the wind chill, let alone biking on ICE.

    As for Clif bars, they once had a salty nutty bar that I really liked but they discontinued it. I find them all too sweet, but I guess I'm in a minority.

  6. i think Cliff bars are great for the most part. I have been eating them regularly since 1997. The only complaint I have is that all except the crunchy peanut butter and black cherry almond are entirely too sweet (at least for me).

    An alternative I have been using this past year is a peanut butter and agave nectar sandwich. If you are judicious about what kind of bread you use you can easily create a sandwich with a near 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio which is optimum for absorbing and therefore making use of the carbs during effort. The additional benefit is that you can produce a whole sandwich for the price of a bar and it goes a lot further. As for portability, I always just cut it in half and put in two separate ziplock bags - one for each of 2 jersey pockets.

    Having said all of that I do think that Builder bars are a great source of nutrition for recovery and building muscle after workouts on and off the bike.

  7. I also hope that the Montgomery County Parks Department needs to invest in a zamboni so that people won't get hassled by the icy road. My friends told me great stuff about Clif Bar too. I must visit them soon!

  8. Don't see them so much around England but they did have a promo tent at a recent adventure race. Picked myself up some peanut butter nibbles and God they were good... I tried to make some by toasting rice and mixing it up with the good stuff... 95% of it was binned :(
