My little spanker turned two and as I stated previously, you'll never guess what she got!
She got a shiny new Strider Bike; we'll see if this whole balance bike movement works first hand. Several things changed when she turned two and none of them are terrible (so far). Our talks are now conversations where we are both contributing. Logic is starting to make an appearance and the question "Why?" comes up often. Yes it can be annoying but at the moment it's still fun.
Changing gears, I got a package from the good folks over at Evil Cycling yesterday.
Evil socks are a must have for today's discerning velococksman, as well as an appropriately placed sticker.

Yeah that's right, I used a semi-colon and made up the word velococksman in the same post.
Suck it Friday.
Starting her off on the wrong foot. No pun intended. Well played.
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Mike Thomas
evil bike sticker = epic
congrats what a gorgeous baby girl!
I think your daughter needs the strider bike AND the Evil socks!!
Oh, yes, "evil" paraphenalia would have so much more punch on a 2 year old girl than on an adult male.
Happy belated birth-day!
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